Sunday, August 30, 2015

A quick getaway

We decided to go to Ten Sleep, WY this morning when we were planning our day. We haven't done a spur of the moment trip in quite a while.

It was another windy day, but not as bad as last Saturday. The K1200LT  showed 101 degrees at the hottest part of the day.

We have been through the Bighorns many times, and have never seen a moose. This time we saw two. I tried a cell phone picture of the second one.
When we got to Ten Sleep, we stayed at the Log Cabin motel, but we wouldn't have to stay here again. The parking lot was the worst part of the place, it was large rock and no fines, so the kickstands would just roll the rocks around and sink. We got the bikes situated and went to eat at the Ten Sleep bar, and they made an INCREDIBLE burger. After that we went to the Ten Sleep Brewery, a mile west of town. They make good beer, and tonight was their second anniversary. They were making homemade Indian tacos that were piled high. The beer was good and so was the day.

The bikes are ready to go.

We stopped at Powder River Pass, for a quick picture.
Elevation 9666 feet. Here it was 75 degrees on a 95 degree day.

Here is an attempt at a moose picture, at Meadowlark Lake.

After supper we went to the Ten Sleep Brewery, and they were having a second anniversary party.

A shot of the place we stayed.

At least we didn't have to wait for hot water, and using the toilet included a diet plan. If you wanted to use the toilet, you had to squeeze by the sink, and you could rest your chin on the sink!

 This is the Ten Sleep Saloon, and they have very good food.

 We had breakfast at the Crazy Woman Cafe, and the food was good with very fast service.

 Ten Sleep Creek from the west looking east.

There is one spot with 25 mph switchbacks on a long decline, and this semi decided to park on the wrong side of the guard rail. The tires in the picture are the drive axles from the truck. There was a runaway truck ramp uphill about a quarter of a mile before this, it would have been a much better place to park!

 Bighorn Peak is the one above Melanies bike.

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